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Hello Everyone,


So, I guess you're wondering who I am.  It's a great question considering what I do when I'm not writing.  I work as a clinical psychologist helping other people figure out the answer to that very question.


I live and work in the San Francisco Bay Area and have been here since 1999.  Before that I'd lived many places.  I was born in New Orleans and spent my childhood in Louisisana and Georgia.  Since then I've lived in New York, Florida, Arkansas, and even Munich, Germany for a year.  I have a degree in Studio Art with a minor in Technical Theatre, but later decided I wanted to help people by being a clinical psychologist.  Recently, I decided to combine my passion and interest in good erotic fiction  with my  love for writing.  My long suffering spouse (we avoid the gender binary whenever possible) is my biggest supporter.  Sie along with our two dogs and two cats are what keep me sane and enjoying life.  


I hope you enjoy reading my books as much as I enjoy writing them and creating the cover art.  I always appreciate feedback.  So, feel free to drop me a line and let me know what you think or what you'd like to read more about in the future.


All the best,


~ M. A. Devereaux      



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